Thursday, May 26, 2011

The medical brigade comes to an end...

I hate to say it, but today (Wednesday) was the last of our excursions out into the secluded villages to provide care. Another rewarding experience for us all, but what else would you expect when helping such a vulnerable population? And vulnerable it was. We saw over 80 individuals today and found three to be very malnourished.

Those unfortunate families soon had their opportunity to optimize their heath by joining us for the ride back and spend time at the nutrition center until they became more healthy. Although three were malnourished, only one came back with us. The woman and her 1.5 year old son (who couldn't walk because he was so incredibly malnourished - one of the saddest things I have ever seen) joined us in our fleet of vans back home without even thinking, leaving the rest of their children, community, and husband behind. The nutritional program that MAMA Project puts on is truly amazing. On the drive back home, we also stopped at a family, who was recently released from the nutritional center back to their family, to see how they were doing and everybody looked great. Again, so incredible to see.

oh, and how could I forget to mention - because of the lack of physicians that can come with us to the villages, the last 2 days we had to "fill in" and act as physicians, suggesting medications to give ranging from ibuprofen/acetaminophen, to prenatal vitamins, BP meds, and antibiotics. nothing like taking our nursing skills to the next level! I wonder what would have happened if MAMA Project didn't have any nurses attending this medical brigade? They would have most likely had to cancel which would have been a huge disappointment.

here is a photo of myself and my partner in crime at the "physician" station. only a bottle of hand sanitizer to keep us clean. We used to complain about washing our hands so much back in the States because of how irritating it was to our skin. Now we would all do anything to wash our hands just once at these clinics.

aaaaand we'll finish off with a group shot of us (minus our phenomenal leaders Beth and Pam) in front of rows of coffee beans!

I can't even explain how gratifying this experience is for us. On that note, goodnight, again.

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