Monday, May 23, 2011

Dia numero dos.

Another great day here in Honduras. Seems to me like we all had a blast. The day started with the group of us chowing down on some breakfast and then heading down the road to the nutrition house and sort some pills and get them ready for the next day out in the village. While here, some of the kids staying at the nutrition center came to join us so we got another chance to play with them again, of course.

The nutrition house really is something special. Packed with hundreds of donations ranging from toys, to clothes, and most importantly the medications and treatment supplies. The clinic exam room is pretty great as well. Here are some photos to show you how it is down here:

After sorting the pills and getting everything planned and ready for the following day, we had some fun and headed to the waterfall, and then to Yojoa Lake. Views from the waterfall were stunning and there were zip-lines that some of the group hopped on and enjoyed while the others enjoyed the sun and views of the Honduran countryside.

after enjoying the views of the surprisingly stunning countryside, we all headed to dinner at the lake, and then back home to relax and rest up for the following day's work in the villages.

hasta luego!


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